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Project Management


Updated: Apr 3, 2020

There is significant complexity in delivering the FF&E scope of a hospitality project on time, on budget, correctly sequenced and in close collaboration with installation contractors. We speak from experience – managing over 100 large projects every year, we’ve seen a lot of things that can go wrong. While we can’t anticipate every possibility, we have developed an approach to project management called PACCS.

Plan, Act, Communicate, Care & Solve – is deeply rooted in our processes and culture and is our way of applying a systematic approach to reducing risk. Our combination of experience, a clear understanding that our customers hire us to find and fix problems and a continual investment in technology and people enable us to deliver successful projects. At the end of each project we ask one question – “Are you happy?” Our job isn’t finished until our customers answer with a definitive “Yes!”.


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